cutest blog on the block

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Show Us Your Life - My Favorite Apps

Good morning! The latest in the Show Us Your Life Series at Kelly's Korner is about our favorite apps. Here are just a few of mine. :)

1 - iXpenseIt - This app has not only helped me create our budget each month, but it's also been eye-opening to look back and see just how much we spent on, say, going out to eat. When we need to trim our expenses, this helps us to see where we can cut back.

2 - Shazam - I use this one a lot more than I thought I would. How often do you hear a song on the radio and wonder what it's called or who sings it? This will tell you. And if you really love the song and want to buy it, it links to the iTunes store where you can download it. I admit that every time I use this, in my head I hear Gomer from Andy Griffith saying, "Shazam!"

3 - Aviary - Just discovered this photo editor, but so far I'm loving it! It's so much fun! Soooo many options! I also just discovered Snapseed and am having a hard time deciding which one I like better. Previously I was using Camera+ for photo editing on my phone. Decisions, decisions!

4 - Nexercise - I LOVE this app! You can track your motion while working out or log a past activity and you get mPoints for everything you do. You can then redeem those points for gift cards! So many ways to stay motivated, whether it's going for the gift card or a little friendly competition between you and others using the app or trying to do better than you were doing a month ago (competing against yourself?). There are so many ways to get extra points, too. It's awesome!

5 - Tabata Timer - Another app that I just discovered. It cycles through four minutes of doing activity for 20 seconds and resting for 10 seconds. It makes sounds to alert you when your 20 seconds of activity are almost up and when the 10 seconds of rest are almost up. I've used it a few times for sprints, holding yoga poses, squats/lunges. You could use it for anything. 

6 - Emoji - It adds a fun little "picture" keyboard to your phone, so any time you can type, you can add little smiley faces or flowers or animals or food or whatever. 

So there you have it! There are more, and it was hard to narrow it down to just a few, but I tried. :) Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Jeff Foxworthy's 10 Questions a Husband Should Never Answer (Humor)

Ran across this clip and just had to share. So funny! The video is from Married People Media. They offer marriage resources for churches.


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Thought for the Day (T4D) - Boldness

"Be bold. If you're going to make an error, make a doozy, and don't be afraid to hit the ball."

~ Billie Jean King

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Friday Five - August 2 (late)

So I'm a little late on this, but better late than never, right? :) Linking up with the Five on Friday party!

1. Get Out of My House! Six Ways to Slay Clutter

This is a great post from Clever Nest. Who hasn't watched an episode of Hoarders in absolute horror and started decluttering like crazy? I once saw an image making the rounds of Facebook that said, "I don't always clean, but when I do, I've been watching Hoarders," but now I can't find it, so just pretend that I inserted it below, mkay?

2. This picture. I laugh so much every time I see it!

3. Eight Ways to Grow Your Happiness by Letting Go

Some great points by Marc and Angel Hack Life.

4. Nexercise App

This is a great mobile app! You earn mPoints for physical activity which you can then redeem for gift cards!! And it's freeeeeee! Woot woot!

5. Fridays

I loooooooove Fridays!! And Saturdays. And Sundays. Just sayin.'

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Thought for the Day (T4D) - Happiness

"Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is."

~Maksim Gorky

Friday, June 28, 2013

Thought for the Day (T4D) - Love and Life

"You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love."

~ Henry Drummond

Monday, April 29, 2013

50 Things to Say to Your Husband to Make Him Feel Great

Saw this article on the Family Life web site and thought I would share. 

Your words can make a difference in the life of your husband.
by Janel Breitenstein

1. Thanks for doing that. It means a lot to me when you serve me in little ways like that.

2. I am such a different woman because of the way you _____ (love me, gently lead me, make me feel secure, etc.).

3. I know you and I haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye lately. But I want to let you know that I accept you whether I agree with you or not, and I’m committed to working on our relationship so we both feel understood and secure.

4. I don’t have a bit of a headache tonight. Interested?

5. I can’t believe how _____ you are. You are so clearly gifted in that area.

6. I’m seeing lately that you may not feel very _____, but I hope you know I still respect you deeply.

7. The way you _____ is such a good complement to me. God knew what I needed when He gave me you.

8. I love it when you wear that.

9. You are my best friend.

10. I am more in love with you than ever.

11. I want to go out with you. Are you free on _____ night?

12. No matter how royally you mess up, I’ll always be glad you’re mine, I’ll forgive you, and I’ll love your socks off.

13. I got the car washed and serviced today, hoping it would just take a little of the load off of you.

14. I’m sorry. Will you please forgive me for _____?

15. It is so cool to watch the man you’ve become since we’ve been married.

16. I’m proud of you.

17. What would sound great for dinner tonight?

18. I forgive you. And I won’t bring this up again, okay?

19. Got a minute? There’s something I want to show you in the bedroom.

20. You handled that incredibly well.

21. You’re right.

22. Got your favorite snack at the grocery store!

23. Just wanted to let you know I’m praying for you.

24. I trust you.

25. Let’s put the kids to bed early.

26. Go ahead and sleep in tomorrow.

27. I had no idea you could do that! You continue to impress me.

28. What do you think?

29. Can I give you a massage?

30. To the kids: I love your dad so much. He is so _____.

31. I love being around you.

32. I got a babysitter tonight!

33. I think you have so much to offer, and I can see it in the ways you _____.

34. I’m so glad you’re home.

35. I saw this at the store, and it made me think of you.

36. Do you feel like I’m understanding you?

37. I love doing _____ with you.

38. I stayed within the budget this month!

39. You are one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten. I am so humbled God gave me you.

40. You and me this evening: Game on.

41. I got tickets!

42. Mind if I hold your hand?

43. I made your favorite _____.

44. Why don’t you take the night off? I've got the kids.

45. You are so well-disciplined in _____.

46. You still take my breath away.

47. I miss you. Have a great time!

48. Our kids are so blessed to have a dad like you. I love the way you _____ them.

49. You make me so happy just by being you.

50. I love you so much.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thought for the Day (T4D) - Kindness

"Kindness is tenderness, kindness is love, perhaps greater than love ... kindness is goodwill, kindness says, 'I want you to be happy.' Kindness comes very close to the benevolence of God."

~ Randolph Ray

Saturday, March 9, 2013

22 Things Happy People Do Differently

This article has been making the rounds on Facebook, and I wanted to also share it on my blog. You can read the full article here.

There are two types of people in the world: those who choose to be happy, and those who choose to be unhappy. Contrary to popular belief, happiness doesn’t come from fame, fortune, other people, or material possessions. Rather, it comes from within. The richest person in the world could be miserable while a homeless person could be right outside, walking around with a spring in every step. Happy people are happy because they make themselves happy. They maintain a positive outlook on life and remain at peace with themselves. Happy people have good habits that enhance their lives. They do things differently. Ask any happy person, and they will tell you that they …

1. Don’t hold grudges.

2. Treat everyone with kindness.

3. See problems as challenges.

4. Express gratitude for what they already have.

5. Dream big.

6. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

7. Speak well of others.

8. Never make excuses.

9. Get absorbed into the present.

10. Wake up at the same time every morning.

11. Avoid social comparison.

12. Choose friends wisely.

13. Never seek approval from others.

14. Take the time to listen.

15. Nurture social relationships.

16. Meditate.

17. Eat well.

18. Exercise.

19. Live minimally.

20. Tell the truth.

21. Establish personal control.

22. Accept what cannot be changed.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thought for the Day (T4D) - Happy People

"Happy people...enjoy the fundamental, often very simple things of life.... They savor the moment, glad to be alive, enjoying their work, their families, the good things around them.... Their eyes are turned outward; they are aware, compassionate. They have the capacity to love."

~ Jane Canfield

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thought for the Day (T4D) - Face Your Deficiencies

"Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight. When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another."

~ Helen Keller